- One of God's qualities is omniscience. That means He knows everything. We say it almost flippantly sometimes without thinking about what it really means. That God really knows everything can be comforting or terrifying--if not both at the same time--depending on our relationship with Him and our circumstances.
Example: The bad things we think or do? He already knows. And incredibly, He loves us anyway. That is comforting... and scary.
So, do not hesitate to express your heart to Him: Nothing good or bad held back. You cannot surprise Him; He already knows anyway. He wants you to know that He knows and find strength in His knowing.
The LORD knows the thoughts of man; he knows that they are futile. Blessed is the man you discipline, O LORD, the man you teach from your law; you grant him relief from days of trouble, till a pit is dug for the wicked. For the LORD will not reject his people; he will never forsake his inheritance. (Psa 94:11-14 NIV)
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