Thursday, July 21, 2016

Link up Thru Prayer

A few thoughts about the violence in our world:

It seems as though a new wave of violence is raging across our
planet. Does it have a spiritual origin? To me, it appears too
pervasive--crossing too many cultural, religious, racial, and
political boundaries--to be coincidence.

Does someone saying, "Pray!" seems anticlimactic to you? Consider
the words of Jack Taylor in "Prayer: Life's Limitless reach":

"But there is a reach that man has been given that is limitless.
That reach is prayer! It is as infinite as God for it links the
human life to God. It is limitless in space, touching three worlds.
It touches heaven, earth, and hell simultaneously and
instantaneously. It influences God as no other endeavor. It touches
man as nothing else that we can do. It worries the devil more than
any human enterprise. The devil hates prayer because it throws the
battle to God and pits Him against the enemy with all his resources.
Prayer can be launched in an instant and at the speed of thought
hits its target! It is not confined to the laws of space. Prayer
knows no limit in time. It belongs to the principles of a
transcendent dimension. It can be set off in time, have immediate
effect, and reside forever."

So, I encourage you, for our world's sake: Pray!
 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to
  be kind to each other and to everyone else. Be joyful always; pray
  continually;  give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's
  will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Th 5:15-18 NIV)

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