Monday, February 1, 2016

Being A Target They Cant Hit!

Have you ever been targeted by a "sneaky" person? My experiences
with them left me feeling like I needed a shower after an encounter!

They intentionally try to "push buttons" by provoking us to a
response we would not normally make. We are caught off guard and
respond out of emotion--which is precisely what they want.

Next time you find yourself a sneak-attack target, be aware of their
intent, as Jesus was. Deny them their goal by responding with wisdom
from the Holy Spirit, as He did. Make this your intent.

And if you do become emotional, do not be too hard on yourself.
Remember, they have been planning that attack for a while. They knew
what they were going to say. You did not.
 Watching for a chance to get him, they sent spies who posed as
  honest inquirers, hoping to trick him into saying something that
  would get him in trouble with the law. So they asked him, "Teacher,
  we know that you're honest and straightforward when you teach, that
  you don't pander to anyone but teach the way of God accurately. Tell
  us: Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" He knew they were
  laying for him and said, "Show me a coin. Now, this engraving, who
  does it look like and what does it say?" "Caesar," they said. Jesus
  said, "Then give Caesar what is his and give God what is his." Try
  as they might, they couldn't trap him into saying anything
  incriminating. His answer caught them off guard and left them
  speechless. (Luk 20:20-26 MSG)

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